Visual Art Exhibition of Nirmalavasan
Nirmalavasan’s “White
White represents
purity. White represents peace. But the meaning of Nirmalavasan’s “White” is different.
The series of “White” paintings of Nirmalavasan creates terrible feeling of
losing belongings attached to us.
Layers and layers of
paints applied and washed on the canvas conceal the figures, real nature and real
surface of the painting. White engulfs the realistic nature of the painting and
transforms it into an impressionistic one.
This creates a state
of mind that we lost things important to us from the memory in a splash of time
and makes us to stir up to get it back into our memory.
The magic hand and
mind of Nirmalavasan makes our mind to blow and transforms us to listen to
quiet dreams like paintings were seductive. Each one could tell a story... open for interpretation for The
lucky viewer. We lifted each one
soaked up the symbols and the washed out quality that created a veil of mystery
and led to one's personal discovery.
our eyes toured the surface, new layers were revealed, other hidden symbols.
mix of sophisticated treatment of the materials; the paint, a very delicate chalk scrim coat, the drawn child-like
symbols reinterpreted in various ways were truly magical. These paintings juggle the fine line of not
overworking the medium, not relying on romantic interpretations.
are archetypical and conjure up memories from childhood experiences.
We were so pleased to have experienced this private viewing. Now when we
think back, they are almost like impressionistic movie stills, that tell a wonderful narrative.
Fisher and Bruce Gundersen
Dancer and Visual Artist from US-